ROI Profile
Calculates the profile of the pixels along the boundary of an ROI descriptor. Type : polymorphic.
Input parameters
Image Src : class, type accepted U8 and I16.
ROI Descriptor : cluster, descriptor that defines the region of interest.
Global Rectangle : array, minimum rectangle required to contain all of the contours in the ROI. Rectangles are specified by their bounding rectangle, with the format (Left/Top/Right/Bottom).
Contours : array, are each of the individual shapes that define the ROI.
ID : enum, refers to whether the contour is the external or internal edge of an ROI.
Type : integer, is the shape type of the contour.
Coordinates : array,indicates the relative position of the contour.

Output parameters
Pixel Coordinates : array, contains the spatial coordinates of each pixel along the ROI boundary.

ROI Graph : cluster, contains the ROI profile with an x-origin at 0 and an increment of 1.
x0 : integer, always returns 0.
dx : integer, always returns 1.
Pixels Line : array, returns the ROI profile calculated in an array in which elements represent the pixel values belonging to the specified vector.

Global Rectangle : cluster, contains the coordinates of a bounding rectangle for the ROI in the image.
Left : integer, indicates the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
Top : integer, indicates the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
Right : integer, indicates the x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
Bottom : integer, indicates the y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle.

ROI Pixel Statistics : cluster, contains relevant information about the pixels found in the ROI boundary.
Min : integer, returns the smallest pixel value found in the ROI profile.
Max : integer, returns the largest pixel value found in the ROI profile.
Mean : float, returns the mean value of the pixels found in the ROI profile.
Std Dev : float, returns the standard deviation from the ROI profile.
Count : integer, returns the number of pixels found in the ROI profile.

All these examples are snippets PNG, you can drop these Snippet onto the block diagram and get the depicted code added to your VI (Do not forget to install Computer Vision library to run it).