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TIGR Display

Shortcut Menu

Lock : mode for modifying the TIGR display interface.

    • On/Off : locks or unlocks pallets (grayed out if no pallet visible).
    • Reset : reset the TIGR display interface.

Display : toggle the visibility of buttons and widgets within the TIGR display interface.

    • Lock : toggle the visibility of buttons lock.
    • Info Box : toggle the visibility of box information.
    • Palette : toggle the visibility of palette.
    • Zoom : toggle the visibility of zoom palette.
    • ROI color : toggle the visibility of ROI color boxes.
    • Palette Buttons : toggle the visibility of palette buttons.
        • Move : move ROIs
        • Rectangle : draw rectangle
        • Polygon : draw polygon
        • Freehand : draw freehand region
        • Zoom : zoom in and out
        • Multiple ROI : allows you to draw multiple ROI
        • Erase : deletes all ROIs
        • Default : makes all pallet buttons visible
    • Info Box Lines : toggle the visibility of info box lines.
        • Palette Mode : indicates the mode selected on the palette
        • Image Info : indicates some information about the image, such as its size, depth and the model used
        • Mouse Info : RGB value of the pixel where the mouse is positioned and its position
        • Zoom : zoom factor
        • ROI Mode : display mode
        • FilI ROI : display fill mode
        • Default : makes all info line visible


Color Palette : changes color palette for grayscale image.

    • Grayscale : Gradual grayscale variation from black to white.
    • Binary : 16 cycles of 16 different colors, where g is the grayscale value and g = 0 corresponds to R = 0, G = 0, B = 0 (black); g = 1 corresponds to R = 255, G = 0, B = 0 (red); g = 2 corresponds to R = 0, G = 255, B = 0 (green); and so on.
    • Gradient : Gradation from red to white with a prominent range of light blue in the upper range. 0 is black and 255 is white.
    • Rainbow : Gradation from blue to red with a prominent range of greens in the middle value range. 0 is black and 255 is white.
    • Temperature : Gradation from light brown to dark brown. 0 is black and 255 is white.
    • User Defined : User Palette defined with Display Property Node.

Mode : changes display mode.

    • Move : move ROIs
    • Rectangle : draw rectangle
    • Polygon : draw polygon
    • Freehand : draw freehand region
    • Zoom : zoom in and out

ROI : toggle the visibility of buttons and widgets within the TIGR display interface.

    • Mode :
      • Multiple : selects whether you want to display one or mode ROIs.
      • Fill ROI : define whether the TIGR diplay should fill the ROI.
      • Annotation : define whether the TIGR diplay should display the Annotation Editor Windows
    • Border Size : ROI border size.
      • Thin
      • Medium
      • Thick
    • Color : defines the current color of the ROI drawing.
    • Clear ROI : deletes all ROIs.

Background Color : changes the background color of the TIGR display.


Add Or Update Class : removes all ROIs from the image.

Class : cluster,

ClassName : string, class name.
 Color : integer, color value.


Clear ROI : removes all ROIs from the image.


Display All Class Name : displays a class assigned to ROIs on the TIGR display.

Display ? : boolean, if true, the class defined by “Class Name” is displayed on the TIGR display.
Class Name : string, class name.

      • If Class Name == “” ⇒ displays all classes assigned to ROIs.
      • If Class Name == “my_class_name” ⇒ displays only the class whose name is “my_class_name”.


Display One Index : displays one ROI on the TIGR display.

Display ? : boolean, if true, the ROI defined by “Index” is displayed on the TIGR display.
Index : integer, index of ROI.

      • If Index == -1 ⇒ displays nothing.
      • If Index == [0-n] ⇒ displays ROI.


Remove Class : remove a class from the list of classes and delete all ROIs of this class.

ClassName : string, class name.


Reset : reset the TIGR display interface.

    • Display only palette (with full buttons)
    • Move the palette to the middle left (Vertical)
    • Move the zoom palette to the middle right (Vertical)
    • Move the label to the upper middle


Set Auto Zoom : sets the display auto zoom mode, every time an image is displayed the zoom adapt to the size of the image.


Zoom:Zoom in : zooms in by centering the image on the coordinates defined by Zoom Center.

Zoom Center : cluster, zoom-in position.

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.

Note : if Zoom Center.X < 0 or Zoom Center.Y <0, zooming will be to the center.


Zoom:Zoom out : zooms out by centering the image on the coordinates defined by Zoom Center.

Zoom Center : cluster, zoom-out position.

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.

Note : if Zoom Center.X < 0 or Zoom Center.Y <0, zooming will be to the center.


Backgroung Color : cluster, changes the background color of the TIGR display (permissions : read/write).

Class[] : array, get or set classes. (permissions : read/write).

ClassName : string, class name.
Color : integer, color value.

Class[] (Sgnl) : array, set classes and generate “Class Added” event. (permissions : write only).

ClassName : string, class name.
Color : integer, color value.

Color Palette Type : enum, color palette selection (permissions : read/write).

    • Grayscale : Gradual grayscale variation from black to white.
    • Binary : 16 cycles of 16 different colors, where g is the grayscale value and g = 0 corresponds to R = 0, G = 0, B = 0 (black); g = 1 corresponds to R = 255, G = 0, B = 0 (red); g = 2 corresponds to R = 0, G = 255, B = 0 (green); and so on.
    • Gradient : Gradation from red to white with a prominent range of light blue in the upper range. 0 is black and 255 is white.
    • Rainbow : Gradation from blue to red with a prominent range of greens in the middle value range. 0 is black and 255 is white.
    • Temperature : Gradation from light brown to dark brown. 0 is black and 255 is white.
    • User Defined : User Palette defined with User Color Palette Property.

Color:Value : integer, color used to draw news ROIs (permissions : read/write).
Color:Visible : boolean, indicates whether the color box is visible (permissions : read/write).

Info Box:Position : cluster, position of the top left corner of the label (permissions : read/write).

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.

Info Box:Text Visible : cluster, text written in the label (permissions : read/write).

Palette Mode : boolean, indicates the mode selected on the palette.
Image Info : boolean, indicates some information about the image, such as its size, depth and the model used.
Mouse Info : boolean, RGB value of the pixel where the mouse is positioned and its position.
Zoom : boolean, zoom factor.
Roi Mode : boolean, display mode.
Fill Roi : boolean, display fill mode.

Info Box:Value : cluster, text written in the label (permissions : read only).

Mode : string, indicates the mode selected on the palette.
Image Info : string, indicates some information about the image, such as its size, depth and the model used.
Mouse : string, RGB value of the pixel where the mouse is positioned and its position.
Zoom : string, zoom factor.
Roi Mode : string, display mode.
Fill Roi : string, display fill mode.

Lock:Value : boolean, if true, you can modify the TIGR interface (permissions : read/write).
Lock:Visible : boolean, indicates whether the lock button is visible (permissions : read/write).

Mouse Position:Down : cluster, last mouse down position (in pixels in the image coordinate system)  (permissions : read only).

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.


Mouse Position:Move : cluster, last mouse move position (in pixels in the image coordinate system)  (permissions : read only).

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.


Mouse Position:Up : cluster, last mouse up position (in pixels in the image coordinate system)  (permissions : read only).

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.


Palette Mode : enum, mode selection (permissions : read/write).

    • Move : move ROIs
    • Rectangle : draw rectangle
    • Polygon : draw polygon
    • Freehand Region : draw freehand region
    • Zoom : zoom in and out


Palette:ButtonsVisible : cluster, indicates whether the palette buttons are visible (permissions : read/write).

Erase : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.
MultiROI : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.
Zoom : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.
Freehand : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.
Polygone : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.
Rectangle : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.
Move : boolean, indicates whether the button is visible.

Palette:Direction : enum, decides whether the palette is in vertical or horizontal direction (permissions : read/write).

Palette:Position : cluster, position of the top left corner of the palette (permissions : read/write).

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.


Palette:Visible : boolean, indicates whether the palette is visible (permissions : read/write).
ROI:Border Size : enum, ROI border size selection (permissions : read/write).
ROI:Mode:Annotation : boolean, define whether the TIGR diplay should display the Annotation Editor Windows (permissions : read/write).
ROI:Mode:Fill : boolean, define whether the TIGR diplay should fill the ROI (permissions : read/write).
ROI:Mode:Multiple : enum, selects whether you want to display one or more ROIs (permissions : read/write).

ROI:Value : cluster, get or set ROIs shown on display (permissions : read/write).

 Global Rectangle : array, minimum rectangle required to contain all of the contours in the ROI. Rectangles are specified by their bounding rectangle, with the format (Left/Top/Right/Bottom)
 Contours : array, are each of the individual shapes that define the ROI

 Class Name : string, class name.
 Type : integer, is the shape type of the contour.
 Coordinates : array, are the coordinates that define the contour.
Color : integer, class color.


ROI:Value : cluster, set ROIs shown on display and generate ROIs event (permissions : write only).

 Global Rectangle : array, minimum rectangle required to contain all of the contours in the ROI. Rectangles are specified by their bounding rectangle, with the format (Left/Top/Right/Bottom)
 Contours : array, are each of the individual shapes that define the ROI

 Class Name : string, class name.
 Type : integer, is the shape type of the contour.
 Coordinates : array, are the coordinates that define the contour.
Color : integer, class color.


User Color Palette : array, color palette used to apply color mapping to the image :

 Red : unsigned integer, value of the red color plane.
 Green: unsigned integer, value of the green color plane.
 Blue: unsigned integer, value of the bluecolor plane.

User Event (Annotation):Class Added : refnum, user event linked to annotation class added (permissions : read only).
User Event (Annotation):Class Updated: refnum, user event linked to annotation class updated (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Color : refnum, user event linked to color value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Info Box Position : refnum, user event linked to label position value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Lock : refnum, user event linked to lock value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Lock Visible : refnum, user event linked to lock visible value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Mouse Down : refnum, user event linked to mouse down value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Mouse Move : refnum, user event linked to mouse move value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Mouse Up : refnum, user event linked to mouse up value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Palette Direction : refnum, user event linked to palette direction value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Palette Mode : refnum, user event linked to palette mode value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Palette Position : refnum, user event linked to palette position value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):ROIs : refnum, user event linked to palette position value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Zoom Direction : refnum, user event linked to ROIs value changed (permissions : read only).
User Event (Value Changed):Zoom Position : refnum, user event linked to zoom position value changed (permissions : read only).
Zoom:Direction : enum, decides whether the zoom palette is in vertical or horizontal direction (permissions : read/write).

Zoom:Position : cluster, position of the top left corner of the zoom palette (permissions : read/write).

X : integer, X coordinate.
Y : integer, Y coordinate.


Zoom:Visible : boolean, indicates whether the zoom palette is visible (permissions : read/write).

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